Welcome To Reprint + Expansions... and More!

Created by Deep Water Games

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Latest Updates from Our Project:

Two Stretch goals down and two reveals for you!
over 5 years ago – Mon, Nov 05, 2018 at 07:19:42 PM

Two Stretch goals demolished!

Wow! You guys were busy this weekend. We are so thankful for the direction you all have taken this Kickstarter!

Deep Water was founded with the idea that gaming is on the cusp of spreading far and wide, and with backers like you we know that we can accomplish that.


Reveal 1:

ZOMBIE…city plans! Benoit had a ball designing this new mode and the corresponding city plans. We personally love it, and know that you will too.

Trigger Happy: Spend 6 ammo.
Good Panning: Build the two middle barricades on each street
The Fortress: Complete all barricades on 2 streets

Reveal 2: 

The excitement around the new neighborhood expansion is well deserved, and we will be revealing the whole thing shortly but for now we present a tease...

Winter is coming...
Winter is coming...

Thank you for being backers, we couldn’t do this without you!

New SOLO MODE rules and Stretch Goals!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Nov 02, 2018 at 11:28:58 PM

Hello Architects! We have some exciting news for you. 

Designer Alexis Allard has created a new solo mode that adds much more depth to solo play than before! We're going to reveal how it works, and show you the graphics once they're finished next week ;)

Solo AI

Components are going to include 3 neutral city plan cards and a set of Adversary cards.

"Hello, I am Alexis, and i am an architect gifted with an Artificial Intelligence. My skills and mood are fluctuating. I challenge you to see who will be the best architect. The rules of the base game applies normally, except for the following changes"

Set Up

  • Pick a difficulty level for Alexis among the different AI cards. 
  • Take a score sheet and in the score section you split scoring boxes in half (the bottom line, the city plans and the parks) by drawing a line across all of them.
  • You will write your own score above the line and Alexis’ score below it.
  • Shuffle all construction cards and make 2 stacks of equal size. 
  • Shuffle the 3 neutral city plan cards in one of the stacks. 
  • Then place this below the other stack to create the Construction Deck. 
  • Take 3 normal city plan cards and place them next to the Construction deck, as usual.

Game Turns

The game plays similarly to the current solo mode except for a few new twists.

  • Each turn pick 3 construction cards from the deck and use 2 of them; 1 for its number and 1 for its effect.
  • discard the 2 you used, and then place 1 card in a pile effect side up for Alexis
  • This will create a stack of construction cards Alexis will use to build its own neighborhood. 
  • When you hit a city plan in the deck you'll reference the AI card to see how it scores!

End Game and Scoring

The game ends when the construction deck runs out or if one of the normal end game conditions is met.

To calculate Alexis' score take its stack of construction cards without shuffling them. Alexis will earn a variable number of points according to its difficulty level. 

  • 1 to 4 points per Park card
  • 0 to 4 points per Pool card
  • 0 to 2 points per Temp Agency card. - Moreover, compare the number of Temp Agency cards Alexis got with yours and determine who gets the 7 and 4 points.  
  • 0 to 2 points per Fence card  
  • Points for the 5 biggest housing estates:  
  • Each set of cards between 2 Fences cards represents a housing estate. At the beginning and the end of the stack is a fictitious Fence card. Alexis’ housing estates have no size limit. 
  • For each housing estate, the number of points equals the Number of Houses times their Value: 
  • Number of Houses in a housing estate: each card between 2 fences is worth 1 House. Each Bis card is worth 1 to 3 Houses (according to the AI). 
  • Value of the Houses: 1 point if there are no Real Estate Agent cards. If there are 1 or more Real Estate Agent cards in the housing lot it acts as a multiplier of 1x, 2x, or 3x depending on difficulty. For example if one of Alexis' estates has 3 houses in it and 1 of those is a real estate: it will be 3x2 = 6 points.

I'm sure you'll have lots of questions, and we'll answer them to the best of our ability! However, remember it may be a lot clearer when we reveal the graphics! Every backer at a pledge tier will get the printed rules, if we hit the stretch goal!

New Stretch Goals!

Wow you all blew through our last stretch goals! We can't thank you enough for your support. We've added 3 more stretch goals!

A lot of you have been wondering what stretch goals are coming with what pledge. Almost all of these are coming with each pledge tier. The solo AI, the Player Aids, the Dry Erase sheets will come with all pledge tiers. Any stretch goals that affect them will upgrade your reward as well! So hit the 125k stretch goal and you will get the upgraded score sheets instead of the laminated ones!

Let us know what you think and once again, thank you so much for all of your support!  

We heard you and have done some construction.
over 5 years ago – Thu, Nov 01, 2018 at 11:30:02 PM

You may have noticed we did some construction on the campaign overnight...

Stretch Goals

We tried to take a different approach to stretch goals and unfortunately were not completely clear about it from the beginning. We hear that and we're fixing it moving forward. 

From now there will be no Add-Ons as Stretch Goals. Anything we do as a stretch goal will improve an existing reward or add-on. 

Right now we've revealed everything we can about the new stretch goals. We're working very hard behind the scenes to create more value for all you architects. 

One of our goals with this project was to deliver it as quickly as possible. Unfortunately that creates limitations in the stretch goals we can do, but alternatively you'll get your rewards really quick! March of 2019 is still our target, but we're always aiming for early delivery. 


We've made the rewards MUCH clearer:

You may also notice that each pledge now comes with a FREE pack of Dry Erase player sheets! This is our gift to you, as a thank you all for your support. 

Thematic Sheets

We're going to be revealing these over the course of the campaign. This was our original intent with the way we laid out the stretch goals, but it's clear that we should just be up front about it. 

New Add-on for original score sheet refill

We see a lot of your are really interested in original score sheet refills so additionally we've created an add-on for those as well.

Tomorrow we'll be revealing the zombie score score sheet and discussing the rules so stay tuned!

Thank you all again for the constructive responses, and many more thanks to everyone who has joined us on this campaign! 

- Everyone at Deep Water Games.

The Horde is at your Doorstep... Zombie Neighbrhood Reveal!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Nov 01, 2018 at 07:43:28 PM

Build for your lives, Architects! 

Art and mechanics mostly final but subject to change.
Art and mechanics mostly final but subject to change.

Welcome To… Outbreak  

The zombie hordes are coming on both sides of the streets and your barricades are not finished… You will need to get ammo and build barricades to protect your neighborhood.  

Real Estate now also unlocks ammo! Every time you complete a box next to a bullet, you get one additional ammo that is marked on the left (you begin the game with one).  

Use the Fence action to build Barricades or Fences! If you manage to place the number of the fence pairing in the exact spot where there is a hole in the barricade, you can build a barricade there and a fence anywhere.  

How do the zombies come? In one of the 3 stacks of cards, you will shuffle 3 additional cards with a zombie instead of a number (and an arrow). When one of the cards shows up, each player will move a horde on each street in the direction of the arrow on the card until the first hole in the barricades. If it is filled, you are fine. If it is not, you can shoot the horde to slow it down, so spend an ammo to prevent that horde from advancing. And if you can’t, then the zombies break into that house! Write a Z on it, and a fence on both sides to prevent any infection from spreading!

Stretch Goal Unlock! Updated Player Aids

Since creating the playmat and seeing how well it helps new players understand the mechanics we thought it'd be a great idea to also put some of the information on player aids. We're still working on the final design but this is the general idea for it:

These will come with all pledge tiers in a set of 4.  

Let us know your thoughts or what you'd like to see on a player aid in the comments and keep the guesses coming for the new score sheets!

over 5 years ago – Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 10:13:31 PM

$65k stretch goal obliterated!  This is a wonderful ride!  And it's about to get a lot classier!  Not unlike prettying up your neighborhood in Welcome To, here's an opportunity from our good friends at Dog Might to beautify your gaming table! 

 These glorious wooden card holders are available as an add on RIGHT NOW!  Simply add the amount shown to your pledge!

 Those Dog Might cats (see what I did there?) always go above and beyond and even made us this slick video showcasing their gorgeous work!

 For now, we're actively working on adding a shipping chart so everyone can see what it'll cost to get these in your hands!  As always, we'll do our best to keep it as affordable as possible!  

AND...Here's the next couple of stretch goals!  Also, keep an eye on the main campaign page.  There's been a lot of questions and we think we've found a couple of ways to make it more clear exactly what you're getting and more in line with what we intended.  

Thanks everyone, let's keep it going!!